Sunday, February 11, 2018

Valentine's Day Software Update ❤ Coming Up

We're preparing a new 'Valentine's Day Update' ❤ 💾 (to be released 14 February*) that adds extra new features for version 2018 of tlTerm #terminology software, TLex #lexicography software etc.

* This has now been released - the release announcement is here: Valentine's Day Software Update 2018

The screenshot shows upgraded Microsoft Word integration functionality, new Excel integration, and also shows (in the new Multi-Document Smart-Search), amongst others, auto-searching in TMX files (Translation Memory eXchange, here using EU science hub open TMX files for demonstration purposes) and TBX/XLIFF files, and also shows the OERTB 11-lingual South African Open Educational Resource TermBank within tlTerm.

(This potentially allows, for example, a TLex/tlTerm user to 'at their fingertips' access and see search results from within large Translation Memory's like the downloadable EU TMX data, while they work, either from within TLex/tlTerm or the Word/Excel plugin popup window. You can also e.g. load in your organization's own Translation Memory's or e.g. XLIFF or TBX (TermBase eXchange) data to this 'Multi-Document Smart-Search'.)

TLex/tlTerm users will be able to get the update by simply using the usual methods for installing updates (e.g. the "Help/Check for updates" menu.)

Watch this video for a 6-minute overview of tlTerm (and effectively TLex also):

If you have questions, please contact us.

To purchase, click here:

To try the software, click here:

Video explaining the main difference between TLex and tlTerm:


1 comment:

  1. Nice and good article. It is very useful for me to learn and understand easily. Thanks for sharing your valuable information and time. Please keep updating IOT training online
