Version 2012 of the following products is now available, and all 9-digit License Numbers have been updated for free to this latest version:
For a list of new features in these releases, please see the
ChangeLog. There are well over 100 new features and improvements since the release of version 2010.
The procedure for obtaining the upgrade is as follows:
- Go to our website's 'downloads' section
- Select the relevant product download page for your license
- Click on the download link, and follow the installation and activation instructions
If you don't know your 9-digit License Number(s), you can use the "Software License Recovery" tool accessible from the 'Support' section of our website, or from the downloads page. Alternatively, you may contact us to obtain your license numbers. (The 9-digit License Number allows you to automatically activate the software when installing. ALL customers' licenses have previously been assigned these 9-digit License Numbers.)
Please note that version 2012 is still backwards-compatible with ALL previous releases of our software going all the way back to version 1, so no users have been 'left behind' - all users can update to the latest versions.
Note that, as always, we recommend making a backup of your data before upgrading.